The new TEDIFEED catalogue is now available inside the download area.Many news in terms of shank type or adjustment.
Helicoidal type are now on stock for flank machining.

-Standard face milling cutter with indexable PCD and CBN tangential insert-

TEDI FEED is the new line of mill with tangential technology available with PCD and CBN inserts with single tip, double tip and full edge cutting edges.
With an high number of effective cutting edges, TEDI FEED is studied for operations from heavy roughing to finishing, reaching high speed machining ( over 2500 m/min )
With internal coolant and axial adjustement, TEDI FEED milling line is available with all kind of holders:

  • cylindrical shank.
  • monoblock type.
  • shell type.
  • threaded cofniguration.